Behavior Analysis & Training
Behavior analysis and training can have a profound effect on an animal’s well-being.
By applying the right set of knowledge and skills, we can work through behavior problems gently and effectively while simultaneously building stronger relationships with the animals in our care.
“Enrichment is a dynamic process for enhancing animal environments within the context of the animals behavioral biology and natural history. Environmental changes are made with the goal of increasing the animal’s behavioral choices and drawing out their species-appropriate behaviors, thus enhancing animal welfare.”
—1999 AZA Behavior Scientific Advisory Group

UntamedHope news

New Beginnings: Meet Fred & George, Our Dynamic Rat Duo!
Untamed Hope has its FIRST residents! Fred and George, a dynamic duo with captivating personalities…

Empowering Growth: Insights from Steve Martin’s Animal Training Workshop
I recently had the privilege to attend a Contemporary Animal Training & Management Workshop at…

Untamed Hope is looking for a home…
After receiving our 501(c)(3) tax exempt status, our next most immediate goal is to find…