Empowering Growth: Insights from Steve Martin’s Animal Training Workshop

I recently had the privilege to attend a Contemporary Animal Training & Management Workshop at Steve Martin’s Natural Encounters, Inc facility in Florida. 

Natural Encounters, Inc (NEI) is an organization renowned for its expertise in positive reinforcement-based training methodologies. Steve Martin, the founder and CEO, is recognized as a leading expert in the field of animal training and has contributed significantly to advancing humane and effective positive training methods.

This immersive training workshop consisted of detailed presentations on The Fundamentals of Training, Motivation, The Art of Training, Prompts and Shaping, Problem Solving and more. I witnessed in-person demonstrations by Steve, observed fellow attendees working with their birds, and was able to apply the knowledge I had learned with my own training sessions. 

The bird I worked with most frequently, and subsequently became my favorite, is named Santiago. She is a gorgeous Great Green Macaw and only 5 years old. She taught me so much and with such grace and kindness. She elevated my skills of observation, listening, communication, trust building, and having fun! Over the course of our many training sessions together, Santiago and I became partners. We became more aware of each other’s tendencies, and were able to observe even the tiniest of details in body language. We communicated with love and patience, and built a solid foundation of trust. She was an absolute joy to work with and encouraged me to learn more and more each day.

I was inspired by the knowledge and passion shown by Steve and his incredible staff. Their understanding of training and being able to connect with these incredible creatures was amazing to witness. The artistry of contemporary animal training and the profound impact it has on both animals and their human caretakers is what I will continue to practice and explore at Untamed Hope.

My heart is very full after this amazing experience at NEI and I look forward to sharing what I’ve learned with other animal caregivers in the future.

Amy Morency
Amy Morency
Articles: 2